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Curatorial Projects

Consulting Projects

Research Projects

title. A selection of publications

role. Author

date. 2005-20

Late Byzantium Reconsidered

Late Byzantium Reconsidered, The Arts of the Palaiologan Era in the Mediterranean Edited By Andrea Mattiello, Maria Alessia Rossi, 2019

'Visual Antiquarianism in Mystras'

Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, LX.1 (2018), 9-31

'Rompere la Luce - Desiderarne l'idea'

La luce e i suoi percorsi passionali, edited by Ruggero Canova ed Eva Ogliotti, Zel Edizioni srl, Ponzano Veneto (TV), 2018, 159-168

Cappadocia in Context 2014 – a report

Diogenes 2 (2014): 118-121

‘Ernst Kitzinger and the Making of Byzantine Art History, Convegno The Warburg Institute’, London 11

Arte medievale (s. IV, IV, 2014), 309-312

‘Giacomo Boni: A photographic memory for the people. Documenting architecture through photographic s

Photographic Archives and the Photographic Memory of Art History, Caraffa, Costanza [edited by], Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florenz, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 217-226

‘Scolpire il gesto: dallo studio all’azione’

Quando è scultura, et. al., Milano, 152-165

‘Joan Jonas: a critical biography’

Joan Jonas, Edizioni Charta, Milano, 130-135

‘Read/Bacon/Sylvester: declinare l’immagine dell’artista’

COSTRUIRE IL DISPOSITIVO STORICO. Tra fonti e strumenti, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 309-320

‘mobile landscape | graz in real time’

M Stadt Europäische Stadtlandschaften, M City, European Cityscape, Kunsthaus Graz, 242-245

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